Terms of Use

Welcome to our website(“moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com“). By accessing/browsing moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com you(user of this website) agree and affirm that you have read and accepted these Terms of Use. If you disagree with any part of these Terms of Use, you are not authorized to use this website. These Terms of Use govern your use of this website, any content, resources, and other services that moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com makes available through the website.

Your use of this website forms a legal agreement between you and moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com and is subject to the terms of that agreement as stated in these Terms of Use. You acknowledge and agree that moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com to you or to users generally without prior notice to you. You also agree that moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com shall not be liable to the User or any third-party for any modification or discontinuance of the Service. You also agree that any personal information you give to moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com will always be correct and up to date.

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Modifications to Moneysecret:

Moneysecret reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com website at any time without notice to you.

Modifications to these Terms of Use:

Moneysecret may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change these Terms of Use from time to time. Moneysecret updates the date of modification in the Terms of Use. You are advised to check the updated Terms of Use before using this website.


If you have any queries related to our Terms of Use, please drop a mail to the email address: contact@moneysecret-in-410765.hostingersite.com

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